After two years of the pandemic, the traditional Heating Technician Training is returning, which this year takes place on 31st May and 1st June 2022 at the Býkov Castle Estate.
The organization of this training is organized by CTU – Institute of Thermal Technology, and SYSTHERM is sponsoring this event for the third year. The training program includes presentations of interesting projects by individual participants, namely in the field of heating, air conditioning and alternative energy sources.
The 36 experts from all over the Czech Republic are participating in the training. Interestingly, CTU is represented by nine researchers. The company SYSTHERM is presented by CEO Jan Kazda and sales director Ing. Ondrej Chalupka with a lecture on the topic: “Technology proposal linked to SW for economic operation of heat sources.”
As part of the evening program, a tour of the Purkmistr brewery is prepared for the participants.